11 Apr What is KYORELLA®?
Including superfoods in your daily diet has great benefits, which are even better when taking Kyorella; it is a micro-algae scientifically known as Chlorella Sorokiniana, a kind of 95% digestible green micro-algae with the quality of containing PPAR’s (Perixome Proliferator-Activated Receptor). Possibly the only one that naturally contains a significant amount of alpha, beta and gamma PPAR’s.
The main lack of a vegan and vegetarian diet are the amino acids that meat provides, but they can be obtained from legumes. Meaning, this specific food group should be PPAR’s are a group of receptor nuclear proteins that function as transcription factors regulating the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism. It is activated by various fatty links (adrenaline and noradrenaline) and physiologically important lysophosphatidic acid because it activates them.
Compared with conventional species of chlorella, Kyorella has more nutritional value as a healthy food, since it is a single cell algae with a soft wall, which means that it is absorbed and used up to 95%, unlike other algae that have a hard wall and are absorbed only a 50%.
Kyorella is sugar-free, no added flavors, artificial sweeteners, fillers, preservatives or additives of any kind, no harmful substances. It can be taken at any age, by adults and even girls and boys! You and your family could benefit from this superfood:
- Naturally revitalizes all cells of the body
- Energy booster
- Regulates brain function and memory through better blood oxygenation
- Naturally detoxifies the body at the cellular level
- Improves the appearance of the skin, hair and nails
- Regulates liver and kidneys functions
- Strengthens the immune system helping the body to avoid getting infected easily
- Improves younger kid’s and teenager’s development
Kyorella has 50 essential nutrients, the 23 amino acids that the body needs, minerals, proteins, the optimal and healthy combination of fatty acids and a lot of vitamins. Due to its hIn addition, it could achieve a chelation in which the body naturally eliminates an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury and 74% of aluminum in just 45 days. Improve your life’s quality and recover your health with Kyorella, you can purchase it here.