The power of knowledge. Healthy brain function, blood sugar, and immune system support.
SX-Fraction® is an advanced dietary supplement based on a unique extract of the Maitake mushroom. A research-based glycoprotein og this proprietary extract concentrates supports healthy blood sugar and insulin function while assisting cardiovascular support health.
In Maitake (Grifola Frondosa), modern science has identified a proteoglycan, Beta-1,3 glucan, and Beta-1,6 glucans combined with protein as an active constituent to support the immune system.
This synergistic blend combines a standardized Saw Palmetto extract with the immune-supporting Maitake D-Fraction®. It is enhanced with Lycopene and concentrated extracts of Broccoli whole plant and green tea.
Super Poria® uses mushrooms grown on pine logs under very special conditions; then is extracted in both hot water and alcohol to pull the widest range of its health supporting constituents.