15 Aug Kyorella’s alkaline benefits
Learn how this chlorella could help you prevent diseases

Kyorella is not another miraculous product that will save us overnight, but it sure is one of the best superfoods out there, since it provides an infinity of nutrients and antioxidants due to the unique strain of chlorella sorokiniana that it comes from. Nowadays it’s very important to have healthy habits, just because the environment in which we live in has become one that can cause several diseases: stress, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, processed foods… to give a few examples.
Certainly, we can’t avoid all of these enviromental factors, but we sure can do something for our body to counteract the effects and avoid consequences that we can later regret. What can we do? Aside from eating a healthy diet, exercising, resting and having a hobby, we can add Kyorella to this routine. Due to its high content in vitamins, proteins and minerals, our chlorella works as an alkalizer in our body, that could help you neutralize acidic fats and oxygenate its cells.
The alkaline benefits of Kyorella could also help to:
• Have a cleaner and younger looking skin
• Keep our kidneys and liver healthy
• Feel more energetic throughout the day
• Strengthen our immune system
Alkalize your body and live a healthier life with Kyorella.