13 May A healthy life with a happy heart
Emotions and our body are related and interact with each other. This means that our feelings release chemical reactions that can modify the immune’s response, and how the organs respond on a physical and mental level. These sensations can protect us from diseases or trigger them.
Positive feelings, such as happiness or love, are healthy to the body. They help to cope with adversity, easily recover from illnesses, boost the immune system and have a better life quality.
While less pleasant feelings such as fear, hate and stress create a kind of wall that does not allow natural defenses to act and protect the body. Resulting in being more prone to getting sick or developing degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer.
The reaction to certain situations is different for each person, depending on the emotional charge, this can be reflected in a stomach ache or even a digestive disorder. Such as, having obsessive worries and addictions, these warning signs vary from person to person.
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